
  1. Get the wise source code and install to a directory of your choice.

    Stable releases can be downloaded from Github:

    Development version can be obtained by git:

    git clone git://
  2. You’ll need Python 2.6+ (but not Python 3) and the Python header files On Ubuntu:

    $ sudo apt-get install python python-dev

    and the Python package managmenent tools:

    $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools build-essential
    $ sudo easy_install -U pip
    $ sudo pip install -U virtualenv
  3. Install Pure and LLVM:

    If you are on Ubuntu/Debian you can use the build script included with Wise which should install the packages llvm, libgmp3-dev, g++, and build Pure from source:

    $ ./dist/

    If your distribution does not carry Pure and LLVM then you can find directions for compiling it from source here:
  4. Set up a new virtualenv, if you aren’t using virtualenv then start today! If this is your first virtualenv then run the following two commands:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
    $ cd ~/.virtualenvs

    Create a Wise virtualenv:

    $ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute wise

    To activate the new virtualenv shell run:

    $ source ~/.virtualenvs/wise/bin/activate

    which gives you a shell where all commands are run run in your local virtualenv. From here on commands prefixed with:


    refer to commands that should be run in the wise virtualenv shell.

  5. Install python libraries:

    (wise)$ pip install -r /path/to/wise/dir/requirements.txt
  6. Build the Pure module:

    (wise)$ cd wise
    (wise)$ make
  7. Create the database:

    (wise)$ cd wise/
    (wise)$ python syncdb

    This will prompt you to create a admin user and create the local database in the file wise.db.

  8. Run Wise:

    (wise)$ gunicorn_django
    (wise)$ firefox localhost:8000

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