Base - Objects



class wise.packages.base.term.Placeholder

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

A placeholder for substitution

class wise.packages.base.term.Term(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

The base class for all other math objects.


Make sure there is a unique id set, if there isn’t make one, but never overwrite preexisting one


Generates the sexp representation of the object

The sexp is the universal storage format from which Wise can build any object up from scratch.


Apply a function to self and all subterms

uid_walk(uid, overwrite=False)

Walk the expression tree handing out uids to anyone who needs one


Take one object and wrap it in container object, return the resulting container

alias of Placeholder


class wise.packages.base.objects.Abs(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.OutfixOperation

A unary operator which represents the absolute value of its argument. The argument should be numerically valued. In the complex case this is often referred to as the modulus.

class wise.packages.base.objects.AbstractTensor(base, co, cv)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

class wise.packages.base.objects.Acos(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Acosh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Addition(fst, snd)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

The symbol representing a binary commutative addition function.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Argument(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

This symbol represents the unary function which returns the argument of a complex number.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Asin(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Asinh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Atan(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Atanh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.CartesianProduct(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

This symbol represents an n-ary construction function for constructing the Cartesian product of multisets. It takes n multiset arguments in order to construct their Cartesian product.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Catalan(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.SubOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.ColVec(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

The n-ary tupling constructor when n>2. The arguments are the element of the tuple.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Complex(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

General complex quantity.

class wise.packages.base.objects.ComplexCartesian(re, im)

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Complex

This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the Cartesian coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a number x to denote the real part and the second a number y to denote the imaginary part of the complex number x + i y. (Where i is the square root of -1.)

class wise.packages.base.objects.ComplexPolar(re, im)

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Complex

This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the polar coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a nonnegative number r to denote the magnitude and the second a number theta (given in radians) to denote the argument of the complex number r e^(i theta).

class wise.packages.base.objects.Conjugate(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

A unary operator representing the complex conjugate of its argument.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Constant

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey a type for the common constants.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Cos(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Cosh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.DiracDelta(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.E

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Constant

This symbol represents the base of the natural logarithm,

approximately 2.718.

class wise.packages.base.objects.EmptySet(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

This symbol is used to represent the empty set, that is the set which contains no members. It takes no parameters.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Exp(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

This symbol represents the exponentiation function.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Factorial(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PostfixOperation

The symbol to represent a unary factorial function on non-negative integers.

class wise.packages.base.objects.FinitePoly(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.FiniteSeries(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.FreeFunction(symbol)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

class wise.packages.base.objects.FunctionAppl(func, args)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.GCD(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Gamma(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Idx(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

Covariant Indexes

class wise.packages.base.objects.Imaginary(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

This represents the imaginary part of a complex number

class wise.packages.base.objects.ImaginaryUnit

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Constant

This symbol represents the square root of -1.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Infinity

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Constant

A symbol to represent the notion of infinity.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Intersect(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

This symbol is used to denote the n-ary intersection of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in all of them.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Interval(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval without any information about the character of the end points (used in definite integration). The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Inverse(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.SupOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.LCM(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the least common multiple of its arguments.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Ln(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

This symbol represents the ln function (natural logarithm).

class wise.packages.base.objects.MRow(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

class wise.packages.base.objects.Matrix(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

class wise.packages.base.objects.Minus(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

The symbol representing a binary minus function. This is equivalent to adding the additive inverse.

class wise.packages.base.objects.NRoot(base, exponent)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

A binary operator which represents its first argument “lowered” to its n’th root where n is the second argument.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Negate(operand)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The symbol representing a unary negate function.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Numeric(number)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term


This symbol represents the multiplicative identity element.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Order(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The O symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to reals. The condition f(n)=O(g(n)) is intended to express an upper bound condition on f.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Pi

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.Constant

A symbol to convey the notion of pi, approximately 3.141. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Power(base, exponent)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

This symbol represents a power function. The first argument is raised to the power of the second argument. When the second argument is not an integer, powering is defined in terms of exponentials and logarithms for the complex and real numbers.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Product(fst, snd)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

The symbol representing an binary multiplication function.

remove(obj, remove_context)
class wise.packages.base.objects.Quote(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Quotient(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The symbol to represent the integer (binary) division operator. That is, for integers a and b, quotient(a,b) denotes q such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Rational(num, den)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

This symbol represents the constructor function for rational numbers. It takes two arguments, the first is an integer p to denote the numerator and the second a nonzero integer q to denote the denominator of the rational p/q.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Real(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

This represents the real part of a complex number

class wise.packages.base.objects.Remainder(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

The symbol to represent the integer remainder after (binary) division. For integers a and b, remainder(a,b) denotes r such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Set(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

This symbol represents the set construct. It is an n-ary function. The set entries are given explicitly. There is no implied ordering to the elements of a set.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Sgn(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Sin(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Sinh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Sqrt(base)

Bases: wise.packages.base.objects.NRoot

class wise.packages.base.objects.Tan(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Tanh(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Transpose(operand)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.SupOperation

class wise.packages.base.objects.Tuple(x, *xs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

The n-ary tupling constructor when n>2. The arguments are the element of the tuple.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Union(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation

This symbol is used to denote the n-ary union of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in any of them.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Variable(symbol)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

A free variable


This symbol represents the additive identity element.

class wise.packages.base.objects.Zeta(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation



class wise.packages.base.operations.InfixOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

class wise.packages.base.operations.Operation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.term.Term

An generic operation acting on n>0 operands.

class wise.packages.base.operations.OutfixOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

class wise.packages.base.operations.PostfixOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

class wise.packages.base.operations.PrefixOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

class wise.packages.base.operations.SubOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

class wise.packages.base.operations.SupOperation(*operands)

Bases: wise.packages.base.operations.Operation

Toplevel Elements

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Approx(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Definition(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Equation(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

This symbol represents the binary equality function. Equality is associative and commutative in both arguments.

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Function(head=None, lhs=None, rhs=None)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Equation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Gt(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Gte(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Lt(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Lte(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Neq(lhs, rhs)

Bases: wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation

class wise.packages.base.toplevel.Relation(lhs, rhs)

Bases: object

A statement relating two symbols (LHS, RHS).


Make sure there is a unique id set, if there isn’t make one, but never overwrite preexisting one

uid_walk(uid, overwrite=False)

Walk the expression tree handing out uids to anyone who needs one


class wise.packages.base.cell.Cell(eqs, asms, **kwargs)

Bases: object


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